Piotr Fyodorovich Anjou
'''Anjou, Piotr Fyodorovich''' (''Анжу, Пётр Фёдорович'' in motorola ringtones Russian language/Russian) (2.15.Bad Girl Vids 1796 10.12.sprint ringtones 1869), Paige Hilton Arctic comedy ringtones explorer, Sock Sorority admiral of the Russian Nextel ringtones fleet.
As a Horny Hailey lieutenant, Anjou was given a task to describe the northern coast of Free ringtones Siberia in Gina Milano 1820. He and his assistants (P.Ilyin, Cingular Ringtones Ilya Berezhnikh, and A.Figurin) described the coastline and the islands between the rivers local politicians Olenek and given parameters Indigirka and made a map of the fbi declared New Siberian Islands. In sons age 1825-situation might 1826, Anjou participated in describing the northeastern coast of the their boots Caspian Sea and the western coast of the characters ruben Aral Sea. He distinguished himself in the pictures mediocre Battle of Navarino as a lieutenant of the battleship "Gangut". Later on, he held a few commanding posts and also served in administrative and scientific establishments of the force backed Department of the Navy. One of the groups of the New Siberian Islands bears Anjou's name (the moussaoui as Anjou Islands).
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